Saturday 10 October 2015

Can Cheap Makeup Perform As Well As More Expensive Brands?

For this post, I have taken two standard items of makeup; mascara and eyeliner and tested two of each, one each by MAC and Collection respectively. These are all items out of my own makeup bag, that I use or have used extensively and not just for this test. Therefore we have a rubric:

  1. Ease of application
  2. Quality, eg. pigmentation
  3. Durability
  4. Ease of removal
  5. Overall rating
So lets start from the top down. First we have the mascara.

The MAC mascara is the False Lashes Waterproof mascara that retails for £19.00. The Collection Mascara is Volumising waterproof that retails for £3.99. So lets go through our rubric;

Ease of application. Well, the MAC mascara has a very basic wand. Fairly dissapointing in all honesty. For the price you pay you would expect something a little fancier, but I suppose for this mascara they decided it was all about the formula. This does however mean that the MAC mascara is very easy to apply. The Collection mascara has a very chunky wand, which you'd expect from a volumising mascara, very satisfying to pull out as it makes a little 'pop'. This chunkier wand means that avoiding clumps is a little harder with this mascara but still not that difficult. So far pretty even.

Quality. I'm afraid to say the MAC mascara doesn't live up to its name. The formula is strongly pigmented black, and goes on easily, but the 'false lash' name makes me want an impact that isn't forthcoming. This mascara does lengthen lashes prettily, but in a natural and subtle way that was not what it claims to do. In fact, as it may be apparent, I buy mascaras for their volumising effects, as my lashes are natually long, and so for me, the MAC mascara is seriously lacking. The Collection mascara is a clear winner in this category, as it goes on black, makes an instant difference in volume and in some length and although of not applied carefully it can cause clumping, that can be avoided easily. 

Durability. In this category the mascaras are evenly matched. Once on, they both stay on strong and black and doing their thing all day. No complaints, no difference.

Ease of Removal. In this category, again the Collection mascara comes up trumps. It comes off much quicker and easier than the MAC mascara, which does require some rubbing; not good considering this is the sensitive eye area we are talking about.

Overall rating. Firstly, the MAC mascara is a nice mascara for use of use and pigmentation, but it doesn't volumise half as much as promised, therefore I can only give it 2 stars out of 5. The Collection mascara does deliver but with the risk of clumping means I can only give it 4 stars out of 5.

The second of the three comparisions will be eyeliner. These are two different types of eyeliner, one is gel and the other felt tip, but this experiment is not extensive or scientific, merely observations made over months of personal use.

The MAC eyeliner is their Fluidline gel eyeliner in Blacktrack that retails for £16.00. The Collection is Extreme 24H Felt Tip liner that retails for £2.99, also in black.

Ease of Application. Now with the MAC eyeliner, there is no brush included and the ease of application depends entirely on the brush you buy and how well you maintain the brush itself. This is rather poor show on MAC, trying to make more money by not including a brush when many other companies do. I reccommend not their own brush but a brand called Real Techniques. Their eyeliner brush meant this gel eyeliner went on easily and with relatively little fuss so long as the brush was kept clean. The Collection eyeliner as a felt tip is extremely easy to apply and requires very little skill to achieve great results.

Quality. The MAC eyeliner here shines. It goes on very pigmented black and doesn't need much drying time before its settled on your eye. There is a small tendancy to bleed a little in the corners during application however if care isn't taken. The Collection eyeliner for all its ease of application is not as high quality isn't as deeply pigmented as the MAC eyeliner and requires at least one more coat in order to be as black as possible.

Durability. I, more often than not, wear my eyeliner winged. This can lead to smudges and wear if the eyeliner I'm using doesn't stay on properly. Now with the MAC, more often than not I'd end up with ruined wings that I either had to abandon and wipe off or reapply. The Collection eyeliner is much more reliable, and generally stays put, even on hot days at work. Extremely durable.

Ease of Removal. Unfortunately, the MAC eyeliner is very difficult to remove. It takes quite a lot of rubbing to get this eyeliner to let go and come off the eye.usually I just give up and end up with panda eyes. Totally the opposite, the Collection eyeliner comes off with very little effort. 

Overall rating. I find the Collection eyeliner to be a better eyeliner overall, but my love for how rich the colour is with the MAC eyeliner leads me to give it 4 out of 5 stars. The durability and ease of application for the Collection eyeliner lends it to an equal score of 4 stars. 

Overall, I have found that in these two tests, cheap makeup can be just as good if not better than the expensive alternatives. So perhaps we shouldn't always be tempted by the nice name we all know, and instead save ourselves some money for nice clothes instead. 

Rei ♡

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