Sunday 18 October 2015

Tips for the Cold Season

How to beat a cold:
1. Get into dressing gown and slippers (not pictured)
2. Make a nest with pillows and blankets
3. Get comfort food. Remember: feed a cold, starve a fever (also not pictured) 
4. Put on a soppy drama. I myself am currently watching the Korean drama, "My love from the star"
5. Grab any pets or cuddly toys you have for extra comfort
6. Take the time to let yourself recover

Of course, for those of us who cannot take time off work or school for a simple cold, never fear. You can do this in your spare time and you will be even stronger than the rest of us for managing to keep going through illness. 

Remember everyone, this season means that many of us will be getting sick. Take care of yourselves and especially watch over the young, elderly and disabled, who might not have the ability to care for themselves. 

Let's everyone have a wonderful and hopefully cosy winter. 

Rei ♡

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