Sunday 10 April 2016

I'm back, and I've grown up a lot.

I would like to take the time to announce that I am returning to my blog after an unforgivably long abscence. I could blame my broken laptop, but I replaced that back in November when baby ver.1 died. I would love to blame my job, but that seems like a huge cop out to me. No, what it comes down to is a mixture of laziness and writers block. So, what have I been up to, and what can you as readers look forward to?

Coming soon, the adventures of an english girl in Helsinki. I'm having a mini break in one of my favourite cities in June, just a couple of days to wander around. I'm also attending a GazettE live while I'm there, so you can expect a lot of excitement there too. Possibly an entire post dedicated to that day, as I have VIP tickets too!

Some interesting developments have been happening in my social life, more so in the way I view my social life than its changed dramatically. Alas, I'm still a single pringle but I'm also coming to terms with why that might not be such a bad thing...

I will also continue my love of fasion and makeup on a budget, and I have some makeup I would love to rave about, and hopefully I'll be having a little shopping spree soon before my mini break so you can expect a post about my haul. Unless of course I don't find any clothes I like, as often is the case. I'm picky because I have taste, or so I tell myself.

For now, the sun is shining, the skies are blue and I have a lunch date to get ready for, so dear readers, if you still remain, please don't give up on me. I will return.


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