Wednesday 11 November 2015

A Small Update

Firstly, I owe anyone who reads my blog a huge apology. There are two main reasons I have taken a long abscence from writing. The forst one is I got a full time job. I work in a hospital pharmacy now, which is super scary and stressful and I'm so tired each day when I get home I barely have the energy to eat, never mind write blog posts.

The second, and sadder reason, is that my old baby died. My laptop, my companion at university and trips around the country amd abroad, was too old and beaten up to live any more, and finally he decided he was no longer for this world. Luckily, I had 99% of my files backed up, so there was no issue with that, and I've recently bought myself a new laptop which I've sorely needed for a long time anyway.

So please, I beg your patience, and watch out for a new post, hopefully very soon.

Rei ♡

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