Wednesday 1 July 2015

It's Hotter Than it Has Ever Been on Record in the UK...

...and I'm dying.

The UK is a cold country. Our summers are typically short and mild with temperatures around 25c being the hottest we usually face. Our houses are built to be insulated and air conditioning is rare even in public spaces. Last year I went on my summer trip to Japan and it was almost 40c on some days and I suffered. However my hotel, all the shops and restaurants and even the trains were air conditioned. It made me sick however, and I can really only attribute this to one reason: I am very overweight.

Now, as an overweight person, I have a little more insulation than the average person. Adding to that, I cannot bare a lot of skin in public, I have seen people like myself bravely bare their skin in magazines and have heard my friends, not knowing I hope, seeing a person just like me and saying they would rather die than look that way. Hearing these cruel words, even not directed at me in particular, made me very self concious to the point it has only been in the past two years I can even wear a sleeveless top. That being said I have a few tips:

Number one: You are going to sweat. Profusely. Heavy materials like thick cotton or denim is a no go. You will sweat so much that you soak these materials and this is more than a little uncomfortable and slightly gross. They will also raise your temperatures. Attempt a dress, with tights or leggings as you feel more comfortable, loose trousers are a god send and blouses or thin cotton tee shirts or vest tops are the best types of clothes to wear.

Number two: Keep hydrated. Like I mentioned above you are going to sweat. I am currently drinking an extra litre of water a day and yet I am still slightly dehydrated. If you can find a drink that contains electrolytes this would be a good idea but nothing keeps you hydrated like water. Don't gulp!! Take a few sips every fifteen minutes, and obviously if you are eating you can drink as normal.

Number three: Lukwarm showers. Now a cold shower is tempting and to spash yourself with cold water certainly is fine, but a stark cold shower or bath can cause cramping in your muscles as they try to adjust to the extremes of temperature. A lukewarm shower will feel cool without being too cold.

Number four: It may be tempting if you're a hayfever sufferer to keep your windows shut but do not. Get them all open, all the doors you can, all your internal doors open. This encourages air flow and can be the difference between a managable house and stifling heat.

Lasty: Do not eat too much. You will get sick. Trust me.

Rei ♡

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